
£2.50Knit Pro cables for their interchangeable needles. Colour coded for length each cable comes with a pair of end caps which are great for changing the needle into a straight one but also for using the cable as a stitch holder. The length on each cable includes the length of Knit Pro needle tips added on each end.

£3.75 – £6.25For anybody who likes aluminium needles, they don’t have to be boring. Zing are a colourful needle from those experts at Knit Pro. Each needle has not only the size clearly printed on the body of the needle but each size has it’s own unique colour.
The tips and ends are Silver and seamless with the body of the needle. They are a joy to use.
Each pair is 35cm in length.

£4.80 – £5.50Knit Pro double pointed needles in the Zing range, aluminium with silver tips. They are a seamless knit and colour coded for size, making them easy to pick out of your needle case or spot when rolled under the sofa…or is that only me!
Use for knitting in the round and are excellent for hats, mitts, socks and traditional Shetland shawls that are knitted to or from a centre point.
Each set consists of five needles of the same size.

£5.50 – £6.50Knit Pro Zing needles are brightly coloured aluminium needle range. They have silver tips and are seamless and incredibly light and smooth to use. These are the interchangeable range. They fit Knit Pro cables and make straight or circular needles. They are colour coded to different sizes, making them easy to find or pick out of your needles…or at least that’s what we find at The Lace Knittery!

£2.00 – £2.50Knit Pro Zing range are my favourites at the moment and their crochet hooks appeal to me in the same way. Single ended in aluminium with each size a different colour. They have silver ends and tips making them smooth to use on any yarn and any colour easy to see. They have the added advantage as far as everyone at The Lace Knittery HQ is concerned…the bright colours make them easy to see when a hook has disappeared down the sofa cushion!